BC Fly Fishing Clubs
- Osprey Flyfishers of BC
- The LOONS Flyfishing Club
- Penticton Flyfishers
- Kalamalka Fly Fishers
- Dogwood Fly Fishing Club – active but no website
- Westcoast Flyfishers Association
Vancouver Island Clubs
- Island Waters Flyfishers
- Comox Valley Fly Fishers
- Cowichan Fly Fishers on Facebook
- Haig-Brown Fly Fishing Association
- Mid-Island Castaways
Fly Fishing Organizations
Fly Fishing Resources
Fly Fishing Shops + Suppliers
- Islander Reels
- Michael & Young Fly Shop
- Sea-Run Fly & Tackle
- Berrys Bait & Tackle
- Pacific Angler
- Highwater Tackle
- Hatch Match’r
- Fred’s Custom Tackle