Test Totem News Post 1

Gil Sage Memorial at Skagit River, BC

Photo with or without caption would be optional, yet add a visual relevant to the news item

THE TOTEM FLYFISHERS NEWS + INFO will use the WordPress blog feature, ie: posts (news and info) will be published and organized by categories, with the post being assigned the most appropriate category or categories as there can be more than one category that could apply to a given post.

The image of the Totems Flyfishers logo that appears as a thumbnail on an ‘archive’ of posts in ‘News + Info’ or any given category is a ‘featured image’, which is added via the ‘Featured Image’ option located on the lower right hand side of the Edit Post window when adding a new post or editing an existing post via the Dashboard.

If you have any questions, please call to chat and a talk through the process.

Totem Flyfishers